
Next steps

During the video call, we'll discuss the best next steps for your project. These could include:

  • User interviews to validate the prototype.
  • Further development of the prototype, either by your design team or by booking another prototype session.
  • Conducting an A/B test if you've developed multiple prototype variations during the session.
  • Pitching the product idea to your team, management, or investors, using the prototype to make the concept more tangible.
  • Further refining the strategy internally, based on what was discussed and sketched during the prototype session.
  • Putting the idea on hold for now. Not every concept needs to be implemented immediately—for example, if other priorities take precedence. You can always revisit the learnings later and pick up the project when the timing is right.
  • Technical implementation of (parts of) the prototype. The prototype serves as an ideal briefing for your developers, clearly showing how the final product should look and function.
  • Fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation by making prototyping an intrinsic part of your organization with a subscription.

We have extensive experience with user validation, pitches, and technical implementation, and we'll gladly advise you during the video call. If you have further questions about next steps after your prototype session, feel free to contact us.