
Redeem voucher

If you have received a voucher, you can exchange it for a discount during the booking of a prototype session. To do this, click on "Redeem voucher" above the confirmation button.

Enter the voucher code and click "Redeem". The discount will then be automatically applied. Note that the deposit remains the same; discounts are always applied to the remaining invoice amount.

If you have a question about a voucher or need help redeeming it, you can send us a message.

General Voucher Terms

Version 2 · Last updated on November 28, 2024

Validity and Expiration

  • Vouchers are valid until the indicated expiration date. Expired vouchers cannot be extended or redeemed.

Redemption and Use

  • Vouchers can only be redeemed once, unless otherwise stated.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for deposits.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash or credit.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for sessions already booked.
  • Vouchers in a specific currency are only valid for bookings in that currency and cannot be exchanged for other currencies.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for additional costs, such as session rescheduling fees.
  • If a voucher is intended for a specific service, it cannot be redeemed for another service.

Transferability and Assignment

  • Vouchers are linked to a specific organization and are non-transferable, unless otherwise stated.
  • Hubition is not responsible for lost, stolen, or unauthorized use of vouchers.

Combining with Other Offers

  • Vouchers cannot be combined with other offers or discounts, unless otherwise stated.

Cancellations and Refunds

  • If a session booked with a voucher is canceled by the customer, refund or replacement of the voucher is not possible.
  • In the event of a cancellation by Hubition, the voucher will become valid again and extended until one month after the original session date.

Availability and Changes

  • Redemption of vouchers is subject to availability.
  • Hubition reserves the right to modify or discontinue services without prior notice.

Taxes and Additional Costs

  • Vouchers do not cover taxes, levies, or additional costs unless otherwise stated.

Abuse and Fraud

  • Hubition reserves the right to refuse or revoke vouchers in case of suspected abuse, fraud, or violation of these terms.

Changes to Terms

  • Hubition reserves the right to modify these voucher terms at any time. Revised terms will take effect upon publication on Hubition's website.

Acceptance of Terms

  • By redeeming the voucher, you agree to these voucher terms.

Applicable Law

  • These terms are governed by Dutch law.